Steps to Conducting a Software Usability Test

Stakeholders have identified the need for a new software application. Business analysts have studied business practices and workflows, defined requirements, and requested functionality. Development teams have created prototypes and wireframes and coded a masterpiece that checks every box. But can real users use your product...
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Steps to Improving Your Data Architecture

Data is the lifeblood of modern enterprises. From gaining necessary insights into customer behavior and streamlining organizational processes to making effective business decisions, data is now a corporate asset that allows enterprises to increase their revenue and profits. However, data, in its raw form, is...
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7 steps to eliminate your startup’s plague of meetings

This article is part of DBA, a series on Mashable about running a business that features insights from leaders in entrepreneurship, venture capital and management. Unproductive meetings have reached epidemic status in America. Bain & Company, using analytics tools from VoloMetrix, examined the time budgeting...
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