Top Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) Solutions

The enterprise landscape is changing, and along with it cybersecurity needs. Employees are increasingly remote, applications are moving to the cloud, and IT infrastructure is becoming more complex, with IoT and mobile devices and branch offices among the many connection points outside of traditional firewalls....
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Top Data Lake Solutions for 2022

Data lakes have become a critical solution for enterprises to store and analyze data. A cloud data lake solution offers a number of benefits that make it an ideal tool for managing and processing data, including protection of sensitive information, scalability of storage and resources,...
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Best Cloud Security Solutions

Cloud technology keeps advancing rapidly, giving businesses access to faster, cheaper, and more robust cloud storage and application capabilities. Unfortunately, hackers are also getting more innovative, and it’s becoming increasingly easy for them to find vulnerabilities in the cloud and exploit them for their purposes....
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The Struggles & Solutions to Bias in AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) is commonplace in today’s business world, with only 7 percent of businesses not yet using it. While AI is great for tasks like sales forecasting and inventory management, problems often arise when businesses use it for hiring or predictive analytics in regards...
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Top Privileged Access Management (PAM) Solutions 2021

Human error causes approximately 95 percent of cybersecurity breaches. As companies expand geographically, placing more emphasis on the cloud, limiting access to sensitive data has become a necessity. Privileged access management (PAM) software allows organizations to control what data and applications their employees can access. ...
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