The Value of the Metaverse for Small Businesses

The metaverse can be an intimidating term conjuring up visions of some futuristic virtual world, but it’s perhaps best viewed as virtual experiences brought to the internet, something akin to an interactive video game. There are huge obstacles to creating a larger world that spans...
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Top 8 Zero Trust Network Access Products for Small Businesses

Many employees and contractors work offsite in home networks, coffee shops, hotels, and other untrusted networks. Meanwhile, many cloud applications and data repositories have also migrated outside of the centralized control of an organization’s IT environment. IT managers seek to protect these users, devices and...
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New ways to secure businesses in the cloud

From collaboration tools that accelerate productivity, to platforms that spur innovation, to AI-powered tools that drive better customer insights, the cloud is increasingly where we turn to transform businesses. It’s also where an increasing number of enterprises are turning to help protect their data and...
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How BeyondCorp can help businesses be more productive

Over the past few years, Google has been moving away from VPN-based security for our employees, and towards a trust model that’s based on people and devices, rather than networks. We call it BeyondCorp—moving beyond a corporate network for internal services and applications. It’s the...
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How Google Cloud is transforming Japanese businesses

This week, we welcomed 13,000 executives, developers, IT managers and partners to our largest Asia-Pacific Cloud event, Google Cloud Next Tokyo. During this event, we celebrated the many ways that Japanese companies such as Kewpie, Sony (and even cucumber farmers) have transformed and scaled their...
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