The most disastrous sales cycle in the world

Startups constantly talk about being mission-oriented, but it’s hard to take most of those messages seriously when the mission is optimizing cash flow for tax efficiency. However, a new generation of startups is emerging that are taking on some of the largest global challenges and...
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21 films we can’t wait to see this summer

Summer movies are back, baby.  If you’ve missed theaters as much as we have, there’s nothing more alluring right now than the thought of a hot, sticky summer spent in the cool dark of an air-conditioned cinema. And after over a year of coronavirus-related delays...
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Gillmor Gang: FreeCoin

The current rave about newsletters and so-called or social audio is just the latest version of the story of podcasting. Take the idea that podcasting is experiencing a new wave of popularity and scaffolding. Are you sure? Apple is bent on turning the space into...
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