Expand your business’s email marketing and get custom content for life for $59
TL;DR: As of July 28, you can get the EmailWritr Premium Plan: Lifetime Subscription for just $ 59 instead of $ 3,480 — that’s a 98% discount.
Around 29% of marketers consider their email outreach to be their most effective marketing tool, but it can be a lot of work to manage. Writing one email may not be much work, but what about scaling your operation? And how much work is it when you have to create a new campaign? With EmailWritr Premium Plan, you can automate some of the work for email marketing, and for a limited time, a lifetime subscription is on sale for $ 59 (Reg. $ 3480).
Do you have data but not a draft? You might know what product you want to market and who you want to get it to, but the actual composition is the tough part. With EmailWritr’s custom email sequence, you can answer a few questions characterizing your marketing plan and create an email sequence that aims to meet that need.
EmailWritr isn’t a content generation algorithm. Instead, EmailWritr is a connection between you, your business, and actual writers who can create personalized content for you. EmailWritr has no limit to the number of sequences you can make, and you can create unlimited personal niches, email types, reusable scripts, and templates. Plan for virtually every email occasion with your own custom sequences and templates that anticipate your business’s needs. Or you could choose from any of EmailWritr’s 1500+ email templates and edit them yourself. You can even export your email sequences into formats like PDF, DOC, and TXT files.
Once your emails are made in advance, they aren’t frozen. You can go back and edit them as needed. From EmailWritr’s simple dashboard, you can access all of your saved projects, templates, stats, and request custom emails from a copywriter.
Connect with a resource that could make email marketing more manageable, scalable, and effective. For a limited time, get EmailWritr Premium Plan: Lifetime Subscription on sale for $ 59 (Reg. $ 3480).
Prices subject to change.

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