With the rise and exponential growth of digital technology, most of the daunting tasks reserved for highly skilled professionals have become easily accessible to commoners. The advent of low-code has proven that software development, once a monopoly of skilled software developers, is now in the hands of amateurs to experiment and utilize it for their business growth. 

Before understanding how low-code technology is revolutionizing the IT sphere, let’s look into what this latest software development really is.

What is Low-Code?

Low-code is the latest software development approach that allows faster business application development that reduces the need to write code. As a result, it is a much faster, easier, intuitive, and cost-effective way to build a business application. Low-code business applications can be made using simple graphical user interface (GUI) and other visual modeling methods via various software-as-a-service (SaaS) platforms.

The Growing Low-Code Development Market

According to a recent estimate by Gartner, the global low-code development market will be worth $ 13.8 billion in 2021, a 22.6 percent surge from 2020. The recent boom in remote software development due to the COVID-19 pandemic has fuelled the widespread adoption of low-code development technologies and will continue to do so in the foreseeable future.

The rise and exponential growth of low-code technology have been considered a paradigm-shifting social and technical phenomenon by IT experts all over the globe. As a result, a much wider expansion of low-code horizons has been widely anticipated. In 2022, Low-Code Application Platforms (LCAP) are estimated to remain the largest part of the low-code technology market. The LCAP market has already witnessed a 30% surge since 2020 and generated a whopping revenue of $ 5.8 billion in 2021.

Also read: Low-Code Apps Based on Spreadsheets Simplify Digital Business Transformation

Benefits of Adopting Low-Code Approaches

It is well-known that simplifying any process augments its usability and widens its scope for practical applications. In addition, low-code can resolve many technical issues associated with the standard software development process.

From process automation to creating efficient customer relationship management (CRM) systems, low-code enables cloud and on-premises deployment of business applications. Once deployed, LCAP runs and manages the application.

Let’s take a look at how this latest software development technology can transform the IT arena.

Cost-effective software development

LCAP allows faster, easier, yet cost-effective software development as you can save a considerable sum of money that would otherwise go to hiring skilled software developers or a software development agency. The components of low-code development are standardized, pretested, and custom made. 

Hence, business users and citizen developers have to deal with far fewer bugs and integration issues than in the past. This reduces the burden of day-to-day software maintenance, and the time saved from maintenance tasks can be used for innovative endeavors that drive business value.   

Provides more time to promote your application

Minimum Viable Product or MVP developed using low-code will provide you with a faster quantifiable result. A software product that yields results at your disposal can give you ample time to kick start your promotional activities faster than using the standard processes.

Hand over more control to decision-makers

Low-code never limits the software development process within the abilities of the software developer. Instead, it allows decision makers to be involved in the software development cycle and make vital decisions without worrying much about the resources at their disposal.

Built-in functionality testing

The software development process consists of various stages and requires functionality testing at each level. Low-code software development comes with a bundle of tools that allow users to test the functionality of their application at various levels.

From unit testing of the coding process to fully automated functionality testing at each stage, low-code offers swift deployment and real-time application monitoring. It also provides an easier yet quicker software development process and efficiently smoothens the workflow process. 

Today, there are a good number of low-code development tools available. The trick is to select the one that offers optimal value and flawless technical assistance and services.

Mentioned below are some of the features to look out for when you pick a low-code development tool for the IT segment of your enterprise:

●       Automation of tasks without coding

●       Up-to-date, streamlined workflow

●       Automated yet efficient data integration

●       Cutting edge user interface for visual modeling

●       Quick delivery of application

●       Greater security features

●       Complete administrative control

●       Offers free trial

Also read: No-Code & Low-Code Tools Increase ROI

Low-Code is the Future for Enterprises 

Low-code opens numerous opportunities for enterprises. Here are a few ways this modern software development technology is transforming the way enterprises operate in the 21st century.

Easier business operation

Implementation of low-code approaches allows faster, easier, and cost-effective daily business operations, particularly for small enterprises. By cutting down monotonous manual tasks such as data entry using a low-code app, businesses can enhance operational efficiency and ensure better employee productivity.

Helps entrepreneurs in developing countries

Today, the tide of economic development is surging through developing countries. The entrepreneurial opportunities and talents of those countries were limited by a lack of infrastructure and monetary resources. Low-code is a boon to talented entrepreneurs and their enterprises with growth potential in developing countries. The easier and faster pace of software development and deployment in a cost-effective manner through LCAPs can significantly help small and medium size businesses in developing countries.

Simplifies digital transformation 

The COVID-19 pandemic has expedited the digital transformation of enterprises all over the world. Today, digital transformation is the need of every business, and those who want to succeed in the market competition are getting along with it. Low-code enables many businesses, leaders, and citizen developers to adapt to digital transformation despite limited technical skills and fewer financial resources.

Low-Code: For Businesses Large and Small

Low-code, without a doubt, is the new wonder kid on the IT block. Low-code systems provide a broader room to give life to your business ideas. This modern approach also enables business leaders and decision-makers to experiment with various intricacies associated with software development with limited coding skills. Millions of small businesses that struggle with the high cost of software development are experiencing the benefits from low-code already.

However, complexity, security issues, and limited interaction are a few limitations associated with low-code systems. Regardless of these limitations, low-code eliminates the cost and time associated with the steep learning curve of the standard software development process.

Read next: Data Management with AI: Making Big Data Manageable

The post Democratizing Software Development with Low-Code appeared first on IT Business Edge.

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