Nokia wins NASA contract to put a 4G network on the moon. Yes, really.

Soon, astronauts on moon missions won’t have any excuse for not answering their texts.

NASA has awarded Nokia of America $ 14.1 million to deploy a cellular network on the moon. The freaking moon. The grant is part of $ 370 million worth of contracts signed under NASA’s “Tipping Point” selections, meant to advance research and development for space exploration. 

Nokia’s plan is to build a 4G/LTE network, and eventually transition to 5G (just like the rest of us). It will be “the first LTE/4G communications system in space,” according to NASA’s announcement.

“The system could support lunar surface communications at greater distances, increased speeds, and provide more reliability than current standards,” the announcement also reads. Read more…

More about Nasa, Nokia, Lte, The Moon, and Tech

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