Entitled billionaire Elon Musk thinks coronavirus panic is 'dumb'

The world stands transfixed by possible disaster and Elon Musk is here to offer his unsolicited opinion. 

Calling to mind the infamous submarine stunt, the entitled billionaire chose today to lecture us all on a subject matter decidedly outside of his expertise. Yes, Musk weighed in on the coronavirus.

“The coronavirus panic is dumb,” wrote the man who, not so long ago, was fond of waxing philosophic about mixing wine and Ambien.

The coronavirus panic is dumb

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) March 6, 2020

Of course, according to the World Health Organization, as of March 6 there are 98,192 confirmed cases of the virus and 3,380 confirmed deaths. The WHO notes that, among those exposed to the virus, “older persons and persons with pre-existing medical conditions… appear to develop serious illness more often than others.” Read more…

More about Twitter, Elon Musk, Coronavirus, Tech, and Elon Musk

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