
Uber has been weathering quite a storm lately, but the ride hailing company wants to remind you: It also builds technology, and not just sexism scandals.

On Wednesday, Travis Kalanick’s beleaguered startup officially launched a new navigation system for its drivers. Features include lane guidance, next turn previews and real-time traffic information. It’s also introduced a night-time look to make the app easier on the eyes in the dark.

SEE ALSO: Hey law students: Want a job? Well, you better learn to code.

Rolling out on both iOS and Android, the tool will give Android users access to in-app navigation for the first time. Previously, the latter would have to switch out of Uber’s app into Google Maps or Waze to plan their route. On iOS, the update has begun in some cities, but its launch on Android is still in its early stages. Read more…

More about Mapping, Self Driving Cars, Navigation, Uber, and Tech

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