Hotter than the sun: GE’s hot sauce combines the world’s hottest peppers and science

There’s something unsettling about 10^32 Kelvin. The deep, red-orange body of the hot sauce looks almost like Frank’s Red Hot, but menacing flecks of red, brown and yellow set it apart from your run-of-the-mill, diner table Cholula or Tabasco.
Black-gloved hands stick a baster into the glass bottle of the 10^32 Kelvin hot sauce and suck up a bit of it, releasing a few drops onto a little cardboard tasting boat. Within those spicy drops swims habanero pepper, ghost pepper and the two hottest chili peppers in the world — the Trinidad moruga scorpion and the Carolina Reaper.
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More about Food, Peppers, Science, Hot Sauce, and Tech